Tuesday 29 June 2010

What do atheists believe?

According to Wikipedia, atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. But logically, isn't this the same as saying atheism is the belief that there are no deities? My experience is that atheists don't like to be said to believe anything, even the non-existence of gods. Why is this?

Atheists believe in a random Big Bang followed by random evolution, with no reason or purpose and with no intrinsic meaning. Reason is deified and becomes the touchstone of credibility. Ken Wilbur describes this as 'flat-land' but Richard Dawkins and others take exception to this, citing their appreciation of nature, art and music.

Personally, I tend towards the belief that we are all one, we are all divine, and maybe that God is in all of us (and in everything). This would be panentheism. But life is a mystery and I am continually amazed at the miracle of our existence and our ability to contemplate and discuss philosophy and the meaning of life. I also tend towards Epicureanism: eat, drink and be merry. Or is that Hedonism? :)

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