Thursday 24 June 2010

Budget: progressive or regressive?

Ed Miliband, for Labour, said: "It takes a long time to establish an honourable political tradition. But it takes a very short time to destroy it. Are [Lib Dems] still the party of Keynes, Beveridge and Lloyd George? We all know these three men would turn in their graves at the idea that the inheritors of the Liberal tradition were supporting this budget." - link

I'm disappointed that the party I voted for (Lib Dems) is backing the recent budget. I'm seeing arguments both ways that it is progressive and regressive. I think it's acknowledged that the attempts at deficit reduction are approx 75% spending cuts and 25% tax increases. I believe this is Tory ideology to shrink government as much as it can. I agree with Caroline Lucas (Green MP) that the public isn't being asked on whether to cut spending or raise taxes; it is being asked how to implement spending cuts...

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