Wednesday 23 June 2010

Green Party on the budget

Alec points out that the party closest to my 'Budget Suggestions' post is the UK's Green Party.

Cuts “destructive and unnecessary” says Green Party leader

Caroline Lucas MP argues for 'fair taxes' to reduce the deficit rather than spending cuts. Some of her points include:
  • Why cut 25% of the Inland Revenue when we have £28B in unpaid taxes and a possible extra £15B collected by re-opening local tax offices?
  • abolish the cap on NI contributions
  • tax capital gains at tax payer's marginal rate (usually 40%)
  • The OBR indicates governments spending cuts of £100B over the next 5 years but none of this is necessary
  • "the coalition’s cuts aren’t needed and that fairer taxes and the Green New Deal are"
The full (35 page PDF report) is here.

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