Wednesday 16 June 2010

UK Government Debt/Spending

Just discovered a good source for UK Government Debt/Spending statistics:
Here's a table from the public spending page:

(£ billions) 2009-10 2010-11
Benefits and Pensions 195.5 202.6
Health 99.9 104
Education 66.4 69.2
Debt interest 27.2 42.9
Defence 38.7 36.7
Local government 30.1 30.8
Scotland 25.4 26.1
Law and Order 19.6 19.6
Wales 13.6 14
Northern Ireland 9.6 9.9
EU contributions 5.6 7.9
Transport 6.4 6.4
International aid 5.5 6.2
Other departments 127.9 125.4
Total government spending 671.4 701.7

I suppose you could say, not to worry, £42.9B is only 6% of £702B...

Update: 2009/10 income was £476B (H.M.Treasury) of which £42.9B would be 9%

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