Tuesday 1 August 2023

Recent dietary changes

 I have made several changes to my diet recently.

  • dairy-free
    • for animal welfare reasons, not health
    • almond milk at home, oat milk at cafes, restaurants etc
    • Applewood vegan cheese (tried Cathedral City, hated it)
    • yogurt: tried Lidl's Vemondo vegan yogurt, too chemical tasting so now zero
    • butter: now using Vitalite (not as tasty)
    • replaced Camembert with hummus on morning crackers
    • no pizza!
    • added flax oil omega-3 and calcium supplements (already taking one-a-day multi-vit and multi-mineral supplements)
  • coleslaw
    • replaced with sauerkraut and carrots (from Tesco's Polish section)
  • eggs
    • replaced medium free range eggs with large, for extra protein
  • bread
    • about to replace wholegrain bread with rye bread (more fibre, less sugar)
  • rice
    • changed portion size from 125 g to 80 g (reduce carbs)
  • mushrooms
    • changed from canned (now very expensive) to frozen
  • cauliflower cheese bakes/veggie fingers
    • switched to oven roasted broccoli and cauliflower (from frozen)
  • breakfast
    • no longer eating breakfast
  • salsa
    • Lidl's salsa seems to be free from emulsifiers, preservatives etc but home made tastes better
  • unchanged
    • baked beans, fish fingers, salami, dry roasted nuts, olives, garlic, eating out twice a week (fish and chips; poached eggs on avo toast)
  • intermittent fasting
    • nine hour eating window, 11 am to 8 pm (15:9)
    • 36 hour fast Monday 8 pm to Wednesday 8 am
Conclusion: a work-in-progress; my energy levels are fine, even on a 36 hour fast day. I seem to be losing weight at about one pound per week (21st June: 11st 12.25lb; 27th July: 11st 7.75lb). Waist measurement is 39 inches, hoping to reduce it to 36.5. The goal however is not weight loss but reduced belly fat. And a healthier, dairy-free diet.


  1. This is a lot of change and for a variety of reasons! Have you considered the "eat whatever your grandma did" principle and figuring out your exact ancestry as a way of optimising your diet relative to your genetically determined metabolism (without saying it's all genetic)?

    1. Thanks for your comment on me implementing a lot of changes at once.
      This is true: dairy-free, more whole foods, IF etc but I'm also
      keeping a lot of things the same, including treats like alcohol and
      crisps and meals out!

      Apparently most diets fail after 2 months; watch this space...
