Sunday 30 July 2023

UPF (Ultra Processed Food) and Food Additives - first thoughts

 OK, I'm researching food and diet a lot right now, particularly UPF (ultra processed food). 

Robert Lustig lists three things removed from or insufficient in UPF:

  1. fibre
  2. omega-3 fatty acids
  3. micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)
And too much of these five things:
  1. trans-fats [UK: not banned, no labelling requirements, "voluntary reduction" by food companies]
  2. branch-chained amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine)
  3. omega-6 fatty acids
  4. alcohol [in UPF, really?]
  5. SUGAR

Lustig doesn't have additives in his list but potentially dangerous additives are certain emulsifiers and preservatives, which can cause damage to the gut microbiome:

  • E433 Polysorbate 80, or P80 (Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate)
  • E466 CMC (Carboxymethylcellulose) [also E468, E469?]

  • potassium sorbate [yet, it's classified as GRAS:“generally regarded as safe,” by US, UN and EU]
  • benzoic acid
  • sodium nitrite

I've not found P80 or CMC in any of my store bought products, but Lidl's hummus contains potassium sorbate and their salami contains sodium nitrite. Maybe time to make my own hummus? Lidl's salsa has no preservatives but my home made salsa tastes better! And as Robert Lustig says, "Eat real food!"...

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