Monday 30 March 2020

CV-19 global picture - 6 days later...

From March 24th:
>> The number of CV-19 cases crossed 400,000 on March 24th ... with a six day time to double, global cases could reach 800,000 and deaths 35,000 on March 30th. <<

Now on March 30th, deaths have indeed doubled and cases are up by 84% [Edit: cases reached 800,000 a day later, March 31st].

6 days ago:

And 6 days later, March 30th:

So, in 6 days time, April 5th, will there be almost 1.5 million cases? And 70,000 deaths?

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully not but more than likely that the growth rate won't change yet. Lets hope the increase subsides soon.
    Thanks John, BBC website has similar stats.
