Saturday 17 November 2012

German Renewables

From Oil Drum commenter Ulenspiegel ( Permalink)

German data:

2012 around 5% of the electricity will be produced by PV, while all renewables provide around 24% of the electricity, the most important contribution (~8%) comes from wind.
Power: With 30 GW installed PV we can expect next year days with more than 20 GW PV between 1 and 4 p.m.; 2011 the highest power from renewables were > 32 GW a day in September (16 GW PV, 16 GW wind + unknown amount biomass), this meant > 45% of the power came from renewables. I hope we see more of these days in 2013 to test net stability.
Hmm, I wonder what the numbers are for the UK?

I googled 'UK electricity production 2011'  and found DECC's electricity statistics page:
From here, I downloaded the PDF: DUKES Chapter 5: Electricity:
OK, here we can see that renewables were 9.4% of UK electricity (v 24% in Germany). UK wind & wave was 15.8 TWh out of a total 374 TWh, ie about 4% (v 8% in Germany). Then I found a footnote saying solar is included in wind & wave, so UK wind + wave + solar =~ 4% versus wind + solar in Germany =~ 13%.

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