Sunday 11 March 2012

UK Energy Consumption 2010

Drax, Yorkshire

Here it is: 114 kWh per person per day.

I was at a meeting the other day when someone said UK energy consumption was 125 kWh pp pday. That seemed high to me so I checked it out. My first attempt came in at 99 kWh pp pday. I then used BP's Statistical Review which shows UK 2010 consumption at 209.1 Mboe (Million barrels of oil equivalent). Using the excellent Wolfram site I converted this to TWh/year to GWh/day to kWh per person per day: 114.4.

This 114kWh per person per day is equivalent to a continuous usage of 4.77kW.

My personal electricity consumption is less than 2.75kWh per day or 0.115kW continuous.

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