Sunday 6 March 2011

Progress on the path to peace and harmony

  • Joy in daily life: Can I say that I take pleasure more and more in the everyday things of life? Can I enjoy life more and more? Does my "joie de vivre" increase?
  • Equanimity in every situation: Are there less and less things which can upset me? Do I get annoyed less and less? Do I calm down again more quickly after getting annoyed?
  • Confidence: Is my confidence in myself and in my future increasing? Am I less and less afraid of things? Are there things or events of which I am still afraid?
  • Harmony and peace: Do I more and more frequently stand above things? Do I remain calm internally and externally even in hectic situations, or under stress? Do I feel stressed less and less?
  • Evaluation: Can I accept other people, things and events more and more the way they are without dividing them into good or bad?
  • Self-determination: Do I do those things which I want to do wholeheartedly?
  • Objective: Have I formulated my personal goals (short and long term) clearly to myself and in writing? Do I deliberately follow these goals? Do I check my progress regularly and honestly?
  • Health: Am I bodily healthy and fit? Do I feel healthy and fit? Do I take care of my health?
  • Intellectual fitness: Am I intellectually fit? Can I keep up with the new developments on the earth?
  • State of relaxation: Do I feel relaxed and at ease – even if things are getting turbulent?
  • Authenticity: Do I accept myself for what I am, with all my faults and problems, or do I make a pretence in certain situations, that I am someone else? Am I myself in every situation?
  • Priority: Do I divide my time correctly according to the priorities I have set for my objectives?
Originally written in German by Jurg Rohrer. See web page.

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