Sunday 8 August 2010

Gill Edwards: the emotional ladder

The emotional ladder, as described in  Gill Edwards'  book, Life is a Gift (page 44):
  • Love, joy, passion, trust, gratitude, vision, enthusiasm, clarity, intuitive knowing, freedom, empowerment
  • Optimism
  • Hope, contentment
  • Pessimism, boredom
  • Frustration, irritation, impatience
  • Overwhelm, worry, disappointment, doubt
  • Blame, anger, self-righteousness
  • Hatred, rage, envy, jealousy, need to control
  • Guilt, insecurity, feeling unworthy, self-sacrifice, feeling trapped or controlled
  • Fear, grief, dis-empowerment, depression, despair
Gill says it's unrealistic to go from  the bottom of the ladder to the top in just one step; we may need to go one step at a time...

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