Wednesday 27 September 2023

My diet and weight loss results

There aren't many diets out there that allow you a bottle of wine equivalent per day and you still lose weight. Here's a list of what I normally eat and drink and when. It may be a bit too detailed and/or boring so feel free to skip to the end for weight loss results...

  • Monday lunch: 3 fish fingers, 80 g wholegrain rice, 100 g frozen peas
  • Tuesday: no food or alcohol (36 hour black coffee/green tea fast)
  • Wednesday: lunch at Baravin (fish & chips or poached eggs on toast or veggie antipasti)
  • Thursday lunch: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms, tomatoes and onions; side of beans and sauerkraut.
  • Friday: Baravin again. See Wednesday.
  • Saturday lunch: 200 g cauliflower and broccoli; side of beans and sauerkraut.
  • Sunday pm after walk: same as Thursday.

So, no breakfast? Correct, no breakfast. No evening meal? Same again, no evening meal. But I do eat a lot of snacks, starting at 11am and finishing at 8pm, max one per hour. I usually drink wine or port with the savoury snacks.

Savoury snacks options:
  • 2 x 5 g slices of salami with vegan cheese
  • dry roasted nuts (30 g)
  • crisps (25 g)
  • fried egg with salsa (but not on omelette or poached egg days)
  • one cracker with hummus
  • 1/2 a slice of toast with marmite
Non-savoury snacks:
  • dark chocolate (a few squares)
  • black forest fruit (50 g) sprinkled with oats and mixed seeds
Alcohol per week
  • 2 bottles of port (used to be 3 - I've cut down!)
  • 2 bottles of Montepulciano D'Abruzzo
  • 2 bottles of Pinot Grigio
That's a lot of alcohol! 67 units to be precise, or almost 5x the NHS guideline of 14 units per week. It's also 690 calories per day or approx 30% of my daily calorie consumption.  Thankfully, my recent blood tests show that all liver/kidney/alcohol markers are fine.

Food I'm not buying any more:
  • dairy: cheese, milk, butter, yogurt
  • supermarket hummus
  • supermarket salsa
  • frozen veggie fingers
  • frozen cauliflower cheese bakes
  • free range eggs (now buying organic)
  • honey roasted peanuts

Now making at home:
  • salsa: garlic, onions, tomatoes and jalapeƱos
  • hummus: garlic, chick peas, olive oil, vinegar
Vegan products:
  • Vitalite dairy-free spread
  • Applewood vegan smokey cheese

  • one-a-day multi-vitamins and minerals
  • 1000 mg flaxseed oil (Omega 3 ALA)
  • 1000 mg fish oil (Omega 3 EPA and DHA)

Am I a vegan? No. Am I a vegetarian? I am not. I do however try and remember to give thanks to the animals involved/killed when eating animal derived products (a Native American custom, apparently).

Weight loss:
  • a bit of a plateau these last 2 weeks, helped by Devon cream teas?
  • 11.0 lbs (5.0 kg) in 14 weeks
  • 0.79 lb (0.36 kg) per week
  • waist measurement (one inch above navel) down from 39.0 inches to 34.25 inches