Friday 31 December 2010

Cell count

3D rendered image of translucent cells dividing

Our bodies contain approximately 10 quadrillion cells (10 x 10^15). In addition, we are host to a further 100 quadrillion bacterial cells.

Each of our cells (well, over 99.99% of them at least) contain a string of DNA almost 2 metres long with 3.2 billion base pairs (where a base is one of adenine (abbreviated A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T)).

Each cell typically contains twenty thousand different types of protein and a minimum of 100 million protein molecules.

From: Bill Bryson: A Short History of Nearly Everything

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Oil Sands

 Fort McMurray Oil Sands, Canada

From Wikipedia:
However, the world's largest [oil sands] deposits occur in two countries: Canada and Venezuela, each of which has oil sand reserves approximately equal to the world's total reserves of conventional crude oil.
In numbers:

Conventional crude reserves: 1.75 trillion barrels
Canadian + Venezuelan oil sand reserves: 3.6 trillion barrels

It isn't clear if these reserves are those at a given price, eg today's $90 per barrel, or not.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Nissan Leaf calculations

Wikipedia: Under its five-cycle testing, the United States Environmental Protection Agency found the Leaf's energy consumption to be 765 kJ/km (34 kWh/100 miles)

This is 340Wh/mile. A 1x1m solar panel in Aberystwyth yields about 200  kWh/year at 20% efficiency (200 / 0.34 = 588 miles). So 6,000 miles a year in a Nissan Leaf would require about 10m2 of solar panels.

The SAP calculator gives a 2.4kWp system for 2,000 kWh/year.  At Solarbuzz prices of €3.09 per watt this is about €7.4k for modules, say €14.8k installed. This is about £12.5k at today's exchange rate. With a FIT of 41p/kWh this is an approx 15 year payback. Solarbuzz also shows cheapest module price in Germany of €1.56. Again doubling for installation, this would give about a 7.5 year payback.